
We are excited to welcome you to Peach State PETS to help you prepare for your year of service to your club. PETS is a great adventure and a wonderful place to gather the information to make your year outstanding. Our job is to ensure you get what you need to be a successful Rotary leader!

Here are some things you can do to prepare for PETS:

  1. Rotary has created some great online courses that are available on a wide variety of subjects. We suggest you visit the LEARNING CENTER and take the Club President Basics and Club President Intermediate courses prior to attending PETS.
  2. Your district or the PETS committee may offer Pre-PETS learning opportunities. Participate in as many of those as you can. The more you do to prepare, the easier the year ahead will be.
  3. Start making a list of things you want or need to learn more about. This will help you pick breakout sessions and ask questions from the learning facilitators available to you during the weekend.
  4. Talk to the current club President and Past Presidents. Ask what they wish they had done or learned prior to leading your club. Always ask advice from the person walking through the fire in front of you!

Things to know about PETS:

How Many Rotarians Attend PETS?

There will be over 200 President Elects at PETS. You represent major cities and rural towns. Some of you are from large clubs and some from small ones. It should be a fun group with a very diverse perspective and one important goal – be the best club President you can be.

What Do I Do When I Arrive?

There will be Sergeant At Arms throughout the hotel to help point you in the right direction. When you arrive at the hotel, get checked into your room at the front desk. You will also need to pick up your registration for PETS. This will include your name badge, weekend schedule and meal tickets. Be sure not to lose your those, no ticket, no meal!

Are There Hospitality Suites?

Each of the three districts hosts a hospitality suite on the 3rdfloor of the hotel Friday and Saturday night. They are free and we encourage you to visit with all of them! This is a great way to get to know Rotarians from around the state and exchange ideas.

What Is The Dress Code?

Friday is purely social, so dress for a casual dinner and evening in the hospitality suites. Business casual is appropriate for the Saturday and Sunday training sessions. Guys may want to bring a sport coat and women a sweater to help regulate your personal temperature in the meeting rooms. Be sure to double check the meeting agenda for any specifics for this year’s PETS.

How Do I Pay For Meals?

All of your meals are included in your registration with the exception of the Friday night social. If you will arrive on Friday and wish to join us for dinner, be sure to add that to your PETS registration.

Is There Parking Available?

The hotel offers a variety of parking options. There is a self parking lot just to the right when entering the hotel driveway, valet parking by the front door or an overflow lot across the street to the right of the hotel.

Who Are The Vendors?

Every year we have a wide variety of Rotary “vendors” for you to visit. They typically setup in the conference lobby area on the lower level. The vendors range from programs for your clubs to consider participating in, service projects ideas, to opportunities to load up on Rotary swag. 

How Can I Stay Connected?

We encourage you to put your devices away and stay focused on the learning opportunities PETS provides. Hotel guest have WiFi in their rooms and people attending for the day may purchase WiFi access from the hotel.